
TELESAR V Robot Lets You Feel What It Feels, See What It Sees - fitzgeraldforeas

If the TELESAR V ever becomes commercialized, long-distance relationships will probably stop organism such a painfulness. The latest telepresence system from the Japanese Science And Technology Agency (JST) and Keio University's Tachi Laboratory, the TELESAR V is the world-class of its kind in the world to allow its human wheeler dealer to narrate what rather material being handled by their robot minion away come to lone. Of path, that was back in November 2022. Things have become even punter now.

The technology that powers the TELESAR V is something that sounds wish it came straight from Bladerunner. According to Plastic Pals, there's a whole clustering of sensors in the manpower and fingers of the TELESAR V that capture and relay touchable information to its operator.

That's the layman's version. This is the more technical explanation:

"The primary sensor deep down each fingertip is a vision-settled force sensor which is comprised of a thick-angle camera that looks through with a gel-bed mixed with thermochromic ink. When the gel compresses, the thermochromic ink becomes denser, which the camera interprets as force information."

We're not exactly reliable what that substance, either. However, we answer know that thither are microphones under the robot's fingertips capable of registering low- to mid-level vibrations and "thermoelectric peltier devices" capable of reproducing warm and cold temperatures.

It looks like there's still a fair act of work to be done earlier they can make the TELESAR V every bit thin-skinned as the genuine thing. And, as awesome arsenic the idea of being able to assistanc multitude work in hazardous environments might constitute, we all get it on that soul out there will find some unexpected uses for this sort of matter.

[TELESAR V, Plastic Pals]

Cassandra Khaw is an entry-equal audiophile, a street social dancer, a somebody who writes close to video games for a aliveness, and someone who spends overmuch time on Twitter.

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