
Android Navigation Drawer Material Design Github

Navigation drawer

Navigation drawers provide access to destinations in your app.

A standard (left) and modal (right) Navigation drawer


  • Using navigation drawers
  • Anatomy
  • Standard navigation drawer
  • Modal navigation drawer
  • Bottom navigation drawer
  • Theming

Using navigation drawers

Before you can use navigation drawers, you need to add a dependency to the Material Components for Android library. For more information, go to the getting started page. For modal navigation drawers you also need to add a dependency to the AndroidX DrawerLayout library. For more information go to the releases page.

The content of all navigation drawer types can be implemented using a NavigationView.

<              android              :              id=                "@+id/navigationView"                            ... />

Note: The layout_width and layout_height attributes should be set to wrap_content, match_parent, or a custom dimension depending on the navigation drawer type and parent ViewGroup.

Adding a menu

Nav drawer with 3 menu items

In the layout:

<     ...              app              :              menu=                "@menu/navigation_drawer"                            />

In res/menu/navigation_drawer.xml:

<menu              ...>    <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/main_item"                            android              :              title=                "@string/mail_subheader_title"              >       <menu>         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/inbox_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_inbox_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/inbox_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/outbox_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_outbox_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/outbox_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/favourites_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_favourites_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/favourites_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"              >       </menu>   </item>  </menu>

Adding a header

Nav drawer with "Header title", "Header text", a "Mail" subheader, and 3 items. Item 1 is selected.

In the layout:

<     ...              app              :              headerLayout=                "@layout/header_navigation_drawer"                            />

In res/layout/header_navigation_drawer.xml:

<LinearLayout              ...              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              orientation=                "vertical"              >      <TextView              android              :              layout_width=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_height=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_marginTop=                "24dp"                            android              :              layout_marginStart=                "24dp"                            android              :              layout_marginEnd=                "24dp"                            android              :              textAppearance=                "?attr/textAppearanceHeadlineSmall"                            android              :              textColor=                "?attr/colorOnSurface"                            android              :              text=                "@string/header_title"                            />      <TextView              android              :              layout_width=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_height=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_marginBottom=                "24dp"                            android              :              layout_marginStart=                "24dp"                            android              :              layout_marginEnd=                "24dp"                            android              :              textAppearance=                "?attr/textAppearanceTitleSmall"                            android              :              textColor=                "?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant"                            android              :              text=                "@string/header_text"                            />  </LinearLayout>

Adding dividers and subtitles

Nav drawer with "Header title", "Header text", "Mail" subheader, and 6 items with a divider between items 3 and 4

Dividers are automatically added between <item> groups with unique IDs or <group>s with unique IDs. When a sub-<menu> is added to an item it is treated as a subtitle.

In res/menu/navigation_drawer.xml:

<menu              ...>   <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/main_item"                            android              :              title=                "@string/mail_subheader_title"              >       <menu>         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/search_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_search_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/search_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/rotation_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_3d_rotation_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/3d_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/accelerator_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_accelerator_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/accelerator_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/dashboard_item"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_dashboard_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/dashboard_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />       </menu>   </item>   <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/labels_item"                            android              :              title=                "@string/labels_subheader_title"              >       <menu>         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/label_one"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_label_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/label_one_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />         <item              android              :              id=                "@+id/label_two"                            android              :              icon=                "@drawable/ic_label_24px"                            android              :              title=                "@string/label_two_title"                            android              :              checkable=                "true"                            app              :              showAsAction=                "ifRoom"              />       </menu>   </item>  </menu>

Making navigation drawers accessible

Navigation drawers support content labeling for accessibility and are readable by most screen readers, such as TalkBack. Text rendered in menu items is automatically provided to accessibility services. Additional content labels are optional but recommended.

For more information on content labels, go to the Android accessibility help guide.

Content descriptions

A content description can be set on <item>s in the NavigationView menu so that screen readers like TalkBack are able to announce their purpose or action. This can be done in XML using the android:contentDescription attribute or programmatically with (on API 26 and above).

Any ImageViews within the header layout should also have a content description set.

Opening and closing navigation drawers

To open navigation drawers, use clickable widgets that meet the minimum touch target size of 48dp and are properly labeled for accessibility. To close navigation drawers, consider doing the same but bear in mind that clicking on menu items or an optional scrim should also serve this purpose.

Using navigation drawers with the Navigation component

Navigation drawers can be used with the AndroidX Navigation library. For more information, go to the documentation.


Navigation drawers have a container, an optional header, optional dividers, items with inactive text, active text, and an active text overlay, optional subtitles, and an optional scrim.

Navigation drawer anatomy

  1. Container
  2. Subheader (optional)
  3. Label text
  4. Icon (optional)
  5. Active indicator/Item shape
  6. Badge text (coming soon)
  7. Divider
  8. Scrim (modal drawer only)

Container attributes

Element Attribute(s) Related method(s) Default value
Color android:background setBackground
Shape app:shapeAppearance
N/A null
Elevation app:elevation (can be used on NavigationView or DrawerLayout) setElevation
0dp (NavigationView) or 1dp (DrawerLayout)
Max width android:maxWidth N/A 280dp
Fits system windows android:fitsSystemWindows setFitsSystemWindows

Header attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Layout app:headerLayout addHeaderView

Divider attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Divider android:listDivider in app theme N/A Varies per platform version
Height N/A (see layout) N/A 1dp
Inset app:dividerInsetStart

Item attributes

Element Attribute(s) Related method(s) Default value
Color app:itemShapeFillColor N/A ?attr/colorSecondaryContainer
Shape app:itemShapeAppearance
N/A ?attr/shapeAppearanceSmallComponent
Corner size: 50%
Insets app:itemShapeInsetStart
N/A 12dp
Horizontal padding app:itemHorizontalPadding setItemHorizontalPadding
Vertical padding app:itemVerticalPadding setItemVerticalPadding

Text attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color app:itemTextColor setItemTextColor
?attr/colorOnSecondaryContainer when active else ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant
Typography app:itemTextAppearance setItemTextAppearance ?attr/textAppearanceLabelLarge
Max lines app:itemMaxLines setItemMaxLines

Icon attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color app:itemIconTint setIconItemTintList
?attr/colorOnSecondaryContainer when active else ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant
Size app:itemIconSize setItemIconSize 24dp
Padding app:itemIconPadding setItemIconPadding

Subtitle attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color app:subheaderColor N/A ?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant
Typography app:subheaderTextAppearance N/A ?attr/textAppearanceTitleSmall
Max lines N/A N/A 1
Height N/A N/A ?attr/listPreferredItemHeightSmall
Padding app:subheaderInsetStart
28dp and 28dp

Scrim attributes

Element Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Color N/A setScrimColor on DrawerLayout Black at 60% opacity

NavigationView styles

Element Style
Default style Widget.Material3.NavigationView

Default style theme attribute: ?attr/navigationViewStyle

DrawerLayout styles

Element Style
Default style Widget.Material3.DrawerLayout

Default style theme attribute: ?attr/drawerLayoutStyle


There are three types of navigation drawers: 1. Standard navigation drawer, 2. Modal navigation drawer, 3. Bottom navigation drawer

Standard navigation drawer

Standard navigation drawers allow interaction with both screen content and the drawer at the same time. They can be used on tablet and desktop, but they aren't suitable for mobile devices due to limited screen size.

Standard navigation drawer example

API and source code:

  • NavigationView
    • Class definition
    • Class source

The following example shows a permanently visible standard navigation drawer.

Nav drawer with "Header title", "Header text",

In the layout:

<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout     ...              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"              >      <         ...              android              :              layout_width=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            app              :              layout_constraintStart_toStartOf=                "parent"                            />                              <!--                Screen content (constrained to end of navigationView)                -->                            </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>

In res/values/themes.xml:

<style              name=                "Theme.App"                            parent=                "Theme.Material3.DayNight.*"              >     <item              name=                "android:windowTranslucentStatus"              >true</item> </style>

In res/layout/header_navigation_drawer.xml:

<LinearLayout              ...              android              :              fitsSystemWindows=                "true"              >      ...  </LinearLayout>

Modal navigation drawer

Modal navigation drawers block interaction with the rest of an app's content with a scrim. They are elevated above most of the app's UI and don't affect the screen's layout grid.

They are primarily used for mobile devices where screen space is limited, and can be replaced by standard drawers on tablet and desktop.

Modal navigation drawer example

API and source code:

  • NavigationView
    • Class definition
    • Class source
  • DrawerLayout
    • Class definition

The following example shows a modal navigation drawer.

A screen with a modal navigation drawer open. The drawer container "Header title", "Header text", and 6 items.

In the layout:

<androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout     ...              android              :              id=                "@+id/drawerLayout"                            android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            tools              :              openDrawer=                "start"              >      <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            android              :              fitsSystemWindows=                "true"              >                              <!--                Screen content                -->                                            <!--                Use app:layout_behavior="@string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior" to fit below top app bar                -->                            </androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout>      <         ...              android              :              layout_width=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_gravity=                "start"                            />  </androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout>

In res/values/themes.xml:

<style              name=                "Theme.App"                            parent=                "Theme.Material3.DayNight.*"              >     <item              name=                "android:windowTranslucentStatus"              >true</item> </style>

In res/layout/header_navigation_drawer.xml:

<LinearLayout              ...              android              :              fitsSystemWindows=                "true"              >      ...  </LinearLayout>

In code:

topAppBar.setNavigationOnClickListener { }  navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener { menuItem              ->                              //                Handle menu item selected              menuItem.isChecked              =              true              drawerLayout.close()              true              }

For more information on top app bars see the documentation.

Bottom navigation drawer

Bottom navigation drawers are modal drawers that are anchored to the bottom of the screen instead of the left or right edge. They are only used with bottom app bars.

These drawers open upon tapping the navigation menu icon in the bottom app bar. They are only for use on mobile devices.

Bottom navigation drawer example

API and source code:

  • NavigationView
    • Class definition
    • Class source
  • BottomSheetBehavior
    • Class definition
    • Class source

The following example shows a bottom navigation drawer with a bottom app bar.

2 views: screen with bottom app bar; nav drawer covering bottom with scrim over remaining screen.

In the layout:

<androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout     ...              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"              >      <androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_marginBottom=                "?attr/actionBarSize"              >                              <!--                Screen content                -->                            <FrameLayout              android              :              id=                "@+id/scrim"                            android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "match_parent"                            />          <             ...              android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "wrap_content"                            app              :              layout_behavior=                "@string/bottom_sheet_behavior"                            app              :              behavior_hideable=                "true"                            />      </androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout>      <              android              :              id=                "@+id/bottomAppBar"                            android              :              layout_width=                "match_parent"                            android              :              layout_height=                "wrap_content"                            android              :              layout_gravity=                "bottom"                            app              :              navigationIcon=                "@drawable/ic_menu_24dp"                            />  </androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout>

In code:

              val              bottomSheetBehavior              =              BottomSheetBehavior.from(navigationView) bottomSheetBehavior.state              =              BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN              bottomAppBar.setNavigationOnClickListener {     bottomSheetBehavior.state              =              BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED              }  navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener { menuItem              ->                              //                Handle menu item selected              menuItem.isChecked              =              true              bottomSheetBehavior.state              =              BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN              true              }  scrim.setOnClickListener {     bottomSheetBehavior.state              =              BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN              }  bottomSheetBehavior.addBottomSheetCallback(object              :              BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() {              override              fun              onSlide(bottomSheet              :              View,              slideOffset              :              Float) {              val              baseColor              =              Color.BLACK                              //                60% opacity              val              baseAlpha              =              ResourcesCompat.getFloat(resources,              R.dimen.material_emphasis_medium)                              //                Map slideOffset from [-1.0, 1.0] to [0.0, 1.0]              val              offset              =              (slideOffset              -              (-              1f))              /              (1f              -              (-              1f))              *              (1f              -              0f)              +              0f              val              alpha              =              MathUtils.lerp(0f,              255f, offset              *              baseAlpha).toInt()              val              color              =              Color.argb(alpha,,,         scrim.setBackgroundColor(color)     }              override              fun              onStateChanged(bottomSheet              :              View,              newState              :              Int) {     } })

For more information on bottom app bars see the documentation.


Navigation drawers support Material Theming which can customize color, typography and shape.

Navigation drawer theming example

API and source code:

  • NavigationView
    • Class definition
    • GitHub source

The following example shows a navigation drawer with Material Theming.

Nav drawer with

Implementing navigation drawer theming

Use theme attributes, default style theme attributes, and styles in res/values/styles.xml, which applies to all navigation drawers and affects other components:

<style              name=                "Theme.App"                            parent=                "Theme.Material3.*"              >     ...     <item              name=                "colorSecondaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_secondaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSecondaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSecondaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorTertiaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_tertiaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnTertiaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onTertiaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorSurface"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_surface</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSurface"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSurface</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSurfaceVariant"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSurfaceVariant</item>     <item              name=                "colorOutline"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_outline</item>     <item              name=                "textAppearanceTitleSmall"              >@style/TextAppearance.App.TitleSmall</item>     <item              name=                "textAppearanceLabelLarge"              >@style/TextAppearance.App.LabelLarge</item> </style>  <style              name=                "TextAppearance.App.TitleSmall"                            parent=                "TextAppearance.Material3.TitleSmall"              >     <item              name=                "fontFamily"              >@font/rubik</item>     <item              name=                "android:fontFamily"              >@font/rubik</item> </style>  <style              name=                "TextAppearance.App.LabelLarge"                            parent=                "TextAppearance.Material3.LabelLarge"              >     <item              name=                "fontFamily"              >@font/rubik</item>     <item              name=                "android:fontFamily"              >@font/rubik</item> </style>  <style              name=                "Widget.App.NavigationView"                            parent=                "Widget.Material3.NavigationView"              >     <item              name=                "itemIconTint"              >@color/navigation_item_color</item>     <item              name=                "itemTextColor"              >@color/navigation_item_color</item>     <item              name=                "itemShapeFillColor"              >@color/navigation_item_background_color</item> </style>

In res/color/navigation_item_color.xml:

<selector              ...>     <item              android              :              color=                "?attr/colorOnTertiaryContainer"                            android              :              state_checked=                "true"              />     <item              android              :              alpha=                "@dimen/material_emphasis_disabled"                            android              :              color=                "?attr/colorOnSurface"                            android              :              state_enabled=                "false"              />     <item              android              :              color=                "?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant"              /> </selector>            

In res/color/navigation_item_background_color.xml:

<selector              ...>     <item              android              :              alpha=                "@dimen/material_emphasis_disabled"                            android              :              color=                "?attr/colorTertiaryContainer"                            android              :              state_activated=                "true"              />     <item              android              :              alpha=                "@dimen/material_emphasis_disabled"                            android              :              color=                "?attr/colorTertiaryContainer"                            android              :              state_checked=                "true"              />     <item              android              :              color=                "@android:color/transparent"              /> </selector>

Use default style theme attributes, styles and theme overlays which apply to all navigation drawers but do not affect other components:

<style              name=                "Theme.App"                            parent=                "Theme.Material3.*"              >     ...     <item              name=                "navigationViewStyle"              >@style/Widget.App.NavigationView</item> </style>  <style              name=                "Widget.App.NavigationView"                            parent=                "Widget.Material3.NavigationView"              >     <item              name=                "materialThemeOverlay"              >@style/ThemeOverlay.App.NavigationView</item>     <item              name=                "itemIconTint"              >@color/navigation_item_color</item>     <item              name=                "itemTextColor"              >@color/navigation_item_color</item>     <item              name=                "itemShapeFillColor"              >@color/navigation_item_background_color</item> </style>  <style              name=                "ThemeOverlay.App.NavigationView"                            parent=                "                "              >     <item              name=                "colorSecondaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_secondaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSecondaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSecondaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorTertiaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_tertiaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnTertiaryContainer"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onTertiaryContainer</item>     <item              name=                "colorSurface"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_surface</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSurface"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSurface</item>     <item              name=                "colorOnSurfaceVariant"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_onSurfaceVariant</item>     <item              name=                "colorOutline"              >@color/shrine_theme_light_outline</item>     <item              name=                "textAppearanceTitleSmall"              >@style/TextAppearance.App.TitleSmall</item>     <item              name=                "textAppearanceLabelLarge"              >@style/TextAppearance.App.LabelLarge</item> </style>

Use the style in the layout, which affects only this navigation drawer:

<     ...              style=                "@style/Widget.App.NavigationView"                            />

Android Navigation Drawer Material Design Github


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